Carter is finally settling in and thankfully so are we. We’ve survived those first initial sleep-deprived nights. How we did it I don’t know! He’s finally sleeping 3-4 hours at a time and it seems to only be getting better. What amazes me most is how much I’ve learned in the last 5 weeks! Here are a few of the most important things I’ve learned so far…
Carter prefers Similac to Enfamil.
This was a hard won piece of information. After a week of a screaming baby who would no longer take a bottle, we switched back. The change was instantaneous. Carter was calmer and you could just tell he felt better. We thought he was just colic-y; turns out he was just hungry.
When changing a boy’s diaper, cover up! Otherwise, it’s like staring down the barrel of a loaded gun.
I learned this one the hard way…many times over. Wardrobe changes on everyone’s part have occurred and it probably won’t be the last time either.
A Boppy pillow is the greatest invention in the world.
I could have never dreamed that a pillow would be indispensable. I carry it around the house, from room to room, all day long. It’s the best to nurse and feed on. It’s great for Carter to nap on. The dogs even like it! (They think it’s theirs, we constantly have to shoo them off of it!)
A baby sleeping on your chest is possibly the BEST thing in the whole world.
I say possibly only because Carter hasn’t really smiled yet, or said, “I love you”, but those are probably the only things that could top a sweet baby’s weight asleep on you. I love it!
Every day just gets more and more fun. As he has started to interact more and play and make eye contact, I can feel myself dreading having to go back to work. I have missed my students and I really love my job, but I will definitely miss being home, taking in every minute of this little boy. I know he’ll be in good hands when I go back next week since he’ll be with Nanny (my mom). I’m really happy and relieved to know I’ll be leaving him with someone who loves him as much as I do!