I’ve always had very interesting dreams. Here’s a fun fact about my normal dreams-I can’t read in them. I’m completely illiterate. I can’t read road signs or books or directions. I know that I’m supposed to be able to read but the letters turn upside down, backwards, or just into scribbles. Words become ancient runes I have to decipher. This can be problematic when the plot of the dream involves grading papers or following a map. Shelby thinks it’s weird that I can’t read in dreams but there it is.
I’d read in pregnancy books and on websites that my dream life might change a little. However, I don’t think anything could have prepared me for the vivid, weird world of pregnancy dreams. Normally in dreams I know that I am, in fact, dreaming and when I realize this I wake up. Now, I wake up completely disoriented because the reality of the dream is so believable. I also remember almost everything I dream. In the past my dreams have been your ordinary, day to day settings—my classroom, my house, etc. Lately though my dreams have taken two very different directions—baby related dreams and dreams with weird, science fiction under tones. Let me give a few examples.
The Over-alls Dilemma- This dream wasn’t super extraordinary but it was weird how many elements were pulled from real life. In the dream, the doctors and everyone else told me I was having a boy, so for whatever reason I proceeded to buy only over-alls for the baby to wear. Then, surprise, I had a girl. So it’s time to have the baby’s dedication, and the poor girl has nothing to wear but over-alls. I was very upset that everyone mistook my baby girl for a boy because of how she was dressed. This dream came from a conversation I had with my sister-in-law about over-alls. What I think is so funny is how logic doesn’t apply. Why didn’t I go buy girl clothes? Who buys ONLY over-alls for their kid? Well, maybe my Uncle Tirey would.
The Surgery- This kind of dream is apparently fairly common among pregnant women. I dreamt that for some reason the doctors had to cut open my stomach. The baby was fine and still in the womb but I was walking around with an open wound and my intestines hanging out. Eventually, the wound turned green and bruised but the doctors said I was fine. It didn’t seem to matter too much to me because the baby was okay.
The Harry Potter- Having finished reading book 7 again, going to the midnight release, and seeing the cast interviewed on every talk show, it’s no surprise this entered my subconscious. In the dream, I met Daniel Radcliffe on Broadway after his show, and he confided in me that he really was Harry Potter. I wasn’t allowed to tell anybody though, for safety reasons of course. But he did take me to Hogwarts, via broomstick. I have to say that was pretty sweet.
The Time-traveler- This one was so strange. I could travel forward through time. There was a child that traveled with me, but it wasn’t my child. Anyhow, we traveled to keep up with a family that was very prosperous. But in my final travel, I discovered that this family had fallen on hard times. They were living in a run-down dirty apartment and the father of the family sat in a recliner, crying. I felt terrible that in the jump I had missed all the hard times this family had encountered. I honestly have no idea where this one came from!
Post-apocalyptic Water World- This has been my favorite dream thus far. Shelby and I were patrolling in a police boat when we were almost rammed by a huge, fast steel tanker. We pursued the tanker to a dock. The dock was covered in derelict house boats and there was floating metal in the water. There were police and anti-terrorist personal all over the docks. Turns out the steel tanker was a bomb. So Shelby and I get out of the boat to help. Shelby hands me a key or code or something like that and tells me to put it in my pocket. Shelby goes to man a machine gun on the dock and it’s then I discover that he’s working with the terrorists. So I decide to run, but there is water and steel floating everywhere, so I have to swim and dodge it. Then I over hear some terrorist saying, “We’ve got to find her. She’s got the code.” Turns out Shelby gave me the code to the tanker bomb thinking I would stay with him. So in order to hide from the bad guys, I find a straw to breathe through and pull a Robin Hood. Along the way, I collect items that might help me escape or disarm the bomb. I woke up before I could save the world. Honestly, it was so cool. I wasn’t afraid, just excited and intrigued.
Here’s the weirdest thing to me. Last night, I could read in my dream!! I wonder if that will continue after I have the baby. I would love to hear about your weird dreams, pregnant or other wise!
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