Sunday, September 2, 2012


Carter with Digby- 7 months
I know, I know. I’m behind. Again. Here we are just a few weeks away from month 8 and I’m just getting around to 7. It’s time to just accept that the blog gets updated when it gets updated. The last month has been busy. I started back to work on August 13th and have been settling into a new school year and a new schedule. I wonder how other teachers feel about the first day/week of school but I hate it. The transition time involving getting procedures solidified and kids in the right place is my least favorite part of the year. But now that I’m two weeks in things are going smoothly and I’m enjoying being back in the thick of school. Leaving Carter, after getting to spend the whole summer with him, was hard. I so enjoyed mornings watching Sesame Street and Sid the Science Kid. And I've said it before and I’ll say it again, happiness is a sleeping baby on your chest. I loved our morning and afternoon naps on the couch. He is changing so much every day and I hate that I’m going to miss stuff. But again, leaving him with my mom makes my life so much easier. I know he’s taken care of and that Nanny is having a good time with him. He is almost crawling and gets frustrated that he is not able to go where he wants to. But even through his frustration, we usually have a very happy boy. I think we might see the first tooth soon…at least I hope so. Teething is no fun! We added Puffs to his diet (easily dissolved cereal pieces) and he loves to eat them! Carter is getting to the stage where he doesn’t like when we leave then room. He really gets upset when Shelby steps out of the room; he loves his daddy. Shelby has been really busy getting ready for school to start. I went up last weekend and helped him get his room ready. He was very tired after the first week of school but survived with an excellent attitude. We have a lot of adjustments to make figuring out how to spend time together and still get all our papers graded! I’m really looking forward to the weather cooling off and getting to do all the fun Fall things with Carter. His first Halloween and a trip to a pumpkin patch are top on my list. And then Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the corner. My, how time is flying!








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